Building a safetynet for migrant refugee women

This programme is funded by the Justice programme of the European  Union

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Police officers, NGO staff, medical professionals and other social services staff were brought to­gether to a 4-day GBV capacity building training, in order to strengthen their know­ledge, skills and compassion to better help the GBV survivors and to improve the effective and effi­cient coopera­tion between them. Having identified the existing gap regarding focusing on the child...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Second capacity building session, which took place in Thessaloniki between 28-30 November 2017. The training courses on upgrading the skills for employees of public sector structures under the supervision of General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) who work in the field of support and protection of Gender Based Violence survivors continue. The second round was held in Thessaloniki between...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The first capacity building seminar for employees of public sector structures under the supervision of General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) who work in the field of support and protection of Gender Based Violence survivors, was successfully completed, with the participation of more than 20 participants. The seminar, which took place between 31/10 - 02 /11/2017 in Athens, was...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]During the mid-term meeting in Barcelona which took place in October, project partners had the opportunity to exchange views, review the program's progress so far, as well as plan the next steps in detail. In a great spirit of collaboration, all partners confirmed once more that the continuous coordination is a vital function for the dynamic...

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This website has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the implementing beneficiaries and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.